I mentioned in the about page here that I’m a Fire Fighter. I have been a member of Kenmore Fire Department for two years now. I love helping my community and being part of something bigger then myself
I try to take my camera along with me to anything I can. Fire Fighting is different though. Most of the time I am the “Do’er” rather then an observer or documenter.
I also need to worry about the privacy of those whom we serve. As a private person I’m free to take just about any photograph in public I wish. When I’m acting as a member for the fire department I need to consider things a bit.
Not to mention I also need to worry about water and my cameras 🙂
Even when I can get my camera out there is more I have to be concerned about. I took the above photo because I like the composition, the water spray, the expression on the nozzle mans face. I like the photo.
There is more then meets the eye in that photo. The Fire Fighter on the hose was demonstrating what not to do to a new member, Holding the nozzle in instead of holding it out. But the viewer does not know that and anyone with Fire Fighting experience notices right away that technique is incorrect.
I was more concerned when I took it with the photographic technical details instead of firematic.
Its easier taking landscapes and portraits photo’s that are of other subjects. I feel less of an obligation to get things right even when I strive to get the most out of my photography.
Fire stations, apparatus, equipment and Fire Fighters provide ample subjects. I never lack for interesting shots. Getting the details correct both photographically and firematically is where I struggle… but its a good struggle 🙂
Beyond the fire ground I do get the opportunity to grab the camera at the many dinners, family picnics, campouts and parties.
The above shot is my daughter lit by camp fire light. The warm color of the fire and the glow stick make an interesting composition.
At the same event earlier in the evening I noticed the sun dipping and streaking through the woods. I quickly grabbed my daughter and had her sit with the book she was reading.
This last shot was at a summer campout we have for the members. Late at night I attempted to get a single exposure with the fire and the stars. I had many many failures but this one worked.
Getting star detail without blowing out the fire required perfect exposure settings and some Photoshop magic.
I hope that as I progress as a Fire Fighter that I will have more chances to document the work that we do. It, like everything in life, is a balancing act. Documenting things is not my main role there. I have a job to do that is more important then documenting.
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